Recycling photovoltaic panels

Photovoltaic panels are approaching the end of their useful life, and in a few years there will be large quantities of this equipment to dispose of.

9-Tech owns panel recycling technologies that maximize the economic valorization of their component materials.

Projects for photovoltaic panel recycling

Research on e-waste

E-waste contain a number of raw materials with great value: we study how to recover them, improving the performance of recylcing processes.


Sustainable Solar Europe

On 12 december 2024, 9-Tech will present its technology and EVERPV project at Sustainable Solar Europe Conference in Brussel, during the session: “Closing Circularity Loop: research and Innovation Challenge for…

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RIS Internship

In October 2024, Budagodage student Lisani Nimira Nadeeshani from the University of Miskolc, interned in 9-Tech under the EIT RM RIS internship programme. We were very pleased to contribute to…

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Workshop at Ecomondo

Parsival, a RIS capacity building project funded by EIT RawMaterials, aims to solve the problem of correctly managing end-of-life photovoltaic panels.As the project nears its conclusion, the main results of…

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Parsival M18 Meeting

On 2-3 July the M18 meeting of PARSIVAL project took place.In particular, during the first day, in Braunschweig, the consortium have opportunity to visit Circular Silicon facilities whereas on the…

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9-Tech at ENI Joule Discovery Lab

From 13 to 17 of November 9-Tech is participating to ENI #JouleDiscoveryLab programme of Joule, the Eni school of entrepreneurship, in order to find R&D projects to carry out together.…

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9-Tech at Ecomondo Fair

9-Tech will be at Ecomondo fair in Rimini from 7 to 10 November!You can find us in the Start-Up Arena in Hall D7/B7 at the East entrance.We are waiting for…

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Course at University of Salento

In the framework of PARSIVAL project (RIS Capacity Building) – PV PAnels Recycling to create SIlicon VALue chain, it has been organized a short course on “Photovoltaic panels recycling to…

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Collaborations and supporters

Funding, mentoring and network development

Personnel, spaces and energy for the R&D

EoL PV for testing, potential client

Potential client, studying recovered silicon applications

Supporting research as potential future client

Providing mentorship and access to investor network

Networking, EVERPV project partner

Parsival project partner, providing contacts

Providing mentorship and access to investor network

Glass analysis, end user of recovered glass

EverPV partner, end user for recovered glass

End user for recovered silicon

Addressing batteries application with recovered silicon

Parsival project partner, end user for recovered silicon

End user for recovered silicon

Shareholder, investing in the company since 2022

Coordinator for EverPV project, partner for Parsival project

Parsival project partner, scientific advisor

Parsival project partner, R&D for silicon in LiB production

EverPV project partner, 9-Tech technology dealer

Evaluating the 9-Tech system to become customer

Potential customer

Parsival project partner, spanish dealer for 9-Tech technology

Parsival project partner, embedded technology provider

Are you interested in our activities?

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